Leadership Scholarships
Young Leaders Summit (YLS)
April 11, 2018
High school applicants (Class of 2019):
CLICK HERE for frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding the Young Leaders Summit
Volunteer staff applicants:
CLICK HERE for frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding the Young Leaders Summit volunteer role opportunities
The Young Leaders Summit (YLS) is a free four-day, overnight, college empowerment conference for a diverse cohort of low-income high school juniors, selected through a competitive application process. It is designed to give these young leaders the practical tools they need to successfully apply to top universities, have full access to scholarship and financial aid opportunities, and set a course for academic and career success.
- August 9th – August 12th at The University of Chicago
- Current high school junior, Class of 2019 (senior in the fall of 2018-2019 academic year)
- 3.0 GPA or above on a 4.0 scale, or equivalent based on your school scale
- Low income, as defined by Pell eligibility
- Currently attends high school in the United States or a U.S. territory
- Plans to enroll full-time, in a four-year degree program, at a U.S. accredited, not-for-profit, private or public college or university after high school graduation
- An outstanding academic record in high school (in the top 20% of graduating class)
- Demonstrated leadership ability (as shown through participation in community service, extracurricular, or other activities)
- Create a Profile as a “Student”
- View “YLS Student Application 2018” Application on your Dashboard
Current college undergraduate student, join Young Leaders Summit (YLS) volunteer staff!
2018 YLS Dates and Locations:
- August 8th – August 12th at The University of Chicago (includes mandatory orientation day).
Apply for one of the following Volunteer YLS Staff positions:
Support Crew
Current freshmen in college who support all logistical components of the program. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: preparing and assisting with YLS session set up and execution; transporting, setting up, and breaking down signage and materials; and escorting students, speakers, and volunteers to assigned areas.
Support Crew applicants must pass a background check, and remain on campus for the entire YLS program, including orientation.
Summit Counselors (SCs)
Current college undergraduates responsible for serving as a mentor, supervising and leading their “squad”—a group of 7-8 YLS high school participants- throughout the course of the YLS. SCs serve as the point of contact for their students in the weeks leading up to, furing, and following the YLS program. SCs are responsible for facilitating workshop transitions, leading nightly debriefs with their YLS squad, and assisting with YLS sessions, as needed.
Summit Counselor applicants must pass a background check, and remain on campus for the entire YLS program, including orientation.
Program Leads (PLs)
Current college juniors or seniors who serve as the head coordinators for each YLS program, and as the point-of-contact for the Summit Counselors in the weeks leading up to and throughout the course of the program. The PLs work with YLS professional staff to train SCs and facilitate communication between YLS professional staff and the SCs. Program Leads are responsible for assisting with YLS sessions, reviewing daily schedules and room assignments, leading workshop transitions, facilitating nightly meetings with the SCs and YLS professional staff, and serving as on-site/overnight contact.
PLs must pass a background check, and remain on campus for the entire YLS program, including orientation.
Please Note: These are unpaid volunteer opportunities. YLC will cover the full cost of food, room and board throughout the conference, including orientation. There are limited available funds to cover travel for staff members to and from the host university, and will be considered on a case by case basis.

Cobb School Counselor Association Service Scholarship Deadline April 11, 2014
March 16, 2014The criteria for this scholarship is as follows:
Student has served as a peer helper, peer tutor, peer mediator, or some other type of service work.
Student is a graduating high school senior.
Minimum 2.5 G.P.A.
Letter of recommendation
Written essay…two typed pages, double spaced, size 12-14 font.
Additional information and a copy of the application can be found here: CSCA scholarship (1)
Aricka Amos Burrell Memorial Scholarship, Deadline March 7, 2014
February 21, 2014The Aricka Amos Burrell Scholarship is available to female and male students. Applicants must meet all the eligibility requirements and deadlines to qualify. A panel interview is required. Scholarship awards must be applied toward tuition, educational equipment, fees and books.
Eligibility for the scholarship requires that the applicant: Is a female/male resident of North Fulton County, Georgia Is a high school senior with a B average or above Demonstrates leadership, community involvement and service. For additional requirements and to access the application, please visit the link:
South Cobb Council of PTA’s Aspire Scholarship for HS Senior PTA Members, Deadline 3/28/14
February 21, 2014Seniors who are members of the PTA at Hillgrove, McEachern, South Cobb, and Pebblebrook with a minimum GPA of 3.0 can apply.
A link to the application can be found here: http://www.mceachernhigh.org/PTSA/SCC%20SCHOLARSHIP.pdf
GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship
January 5, 2014Earn a college scholarship and become part of Reagan Education’s network of exceptional students and young professionals who share a common desire to lead, serve, and have a positive impact on their communities.
Since 2000, the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute has supported roughly 575 student leaders nationwide with nearly $9.5 million in college scholarships.
GE-Reagan Foundation scholarship program
- The GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program offers college scholarships of up to $40,000 for high school seniors nationwide who showcase leadership, drive, integrity, and citizenship. Easy to apply and will change students’ lives.
- Important Dates
- October 15, 2024: Application Opens
- January 3, 2025 11:59 a.m. PST: Application Closes
- Application Requirements Checklist
- Download the 2024 Program Flyer
Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation Scholars Program
- The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation Scholars Program offers college scholarships of up to $10,000 for Ventura County, California high school seniors who demonstrate strong leadership and character.
- Important Dates:
- December 1, 2024: Application Opens
- January 31, 2025, 11:59 a.m. PST: Application Closes
- Application Requirements Checklist
Visit their website to apply: https://www.reaganfoundation.org/education/scholarships
Comcast Leaders and Achievers Scholarship
October 21, 2013Funded through the Comcast Foundation, this scholarship rewards educational achievements, community service, diversity, and leadership with $1000 college scholarship awards.
- Be a full-time high school senior currently enrolled at a high school within a Comcast Community or otherwise approved by Comcast.
- Student grade point average of 2.8 or higher.
- Student demonstrates leadership abilities in school activities or through work experiences.
- Student shows a strong commitment to and involvement in community service.
- Student plans to attend an accredited, nonprofit college, university, or vocational/technical school in the United States.
- Student will need to verify nomination by entering the Comcast School Code (CSC), provided by the principal or guidance counselor.
- Student will need to complete and approve the terms and conditions set forth in the media release included as part of the scholarship acceptance form. If the nominee is not over the age of eighteen, the parent/guardian must complete and approve the terms and conditions set forth in the media release included as part of the scholarship acceptance form.
Schools can nominate one high school senior.
Click here to apply… (https://aim.applyist.net/Comcast/Highschools)
Deadline to apply: December 5, 2013
Please direct any questions to International Scholarship and Tuition Services, Inc. at Comcast@applyists.com or at (855) 670-4787.
The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards
November 25, 2012The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards program is the United States’ largest youth recognition program based exclusively on volunteer community service. The program was created in 1995 by Prudential in partnership with the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) to honor middle level and high school students for outstanding service to others at the local, state, and national level.
The program’s goals are to applaud young people who already are making a positive difference in their towns and neighborhoods, and to inspire others to think about how they might contribute to their communities. Over the past 17 years, more than 345,000 young Americans have participated in the program, and more than 100,000 of them have been officially recognized for their volunteer efforts.
New York Times College Scholarship Program
November 19, 2012The New York Times College Scholarship Program
The New York Times College Scholarship Program was established in 1999. When The Times announced the five winners and told their remarkable life stories, a flood of contributions came from readers. There was enough money to expand the ranks to 21 winners that year. The program eventually provided scholarships for 20 Times Scholars each year.
Times Scholars, 234 strong, attend schools all over the country (68 from coast to coast). Many have attended medical or law schools, or entered graduate programs in engineering or science. Still others have started careers in teaching, finance and social service agencies.
Each student receives a four-year college scholarship, mentoring and summer employment. To make a donation, click here.
Who is Eligible
Current high school seniors who attend a public, parochial or private school in New York City and who have demonstrated:
- Outstanding academic achievement (top 10% or equivalent of the high school graduating class)
- A commitment to learning and community service• Success in the face of adversity
- Significant financial needPreference will be given to students whose parents have not graduated from accredited American four-year colleges or universities.
Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the U.S.
What Scholarship Winners Will Receive
Up to eight high school seniors will be selected to receive four-year scholarships for a maximum of $7,500 annually to attend any nationally accredited four-year college to which they have been admitted for full-time study. Students will also receive a summer internship at The New York Times, educational and job counseling, mentoring, cultural experiences and a laptop. The students will receive their scholarship funding from public contributions and an endowment fund, supported primarily by a gift from the Starr Foundation. The scholarships may be used to pay tuition, room and board, fees and other educational expenses. Each scholarship will be renewable annually for up to four years of study as long as the student maintains a good academic record and makes normal progress toward a degree.
How to Apply
Applications may be obtained at NYTimes.com/scholarship.
We suggest that you make and keep a copy of your completed application form for future reference.Applications will be judged by staff members of The New York Times, professional educators and others.
Deadline is October.
Ronald Reagan College Leaders Scholarship
November 19, 2012In the summer of 1999, The Phillips Foundation announced the establishment of its annual Future Leaders Program (renamed the Ronald Reagan College Leaders Program effective academic year 2006-07) featuring renewable scholarships to college undergraduates who demonstrate leadership on behalf of the cause of freedom, American values and constitutional principles. The program pays tribute to President Ronald Reagan in recognition of his achievements on behalf of freedom, American values and constitutional principles, his optimism about America’s future, and his faith in America’s youth to protect and enhance the legacy of liberty entrusted to them.
The Ronald Reagan College Leaders Scholarship Program seeks to recognize outstanding young people who are promoting American values on college campuses. The scholarships are designed to alleviate the financial burdens associated with higher education, permitting the winners to devote more time both to pursuing their academic goals and advancing their leadership initiatives.
Applicants must be U.S. citizens enrolled full-time in good standing at any accredited, four-year degree-granting institution in the United States or its territories. Applicants may apply for the Ronald Reagan College Leaders Scholarship Program during their sophomore year. Winners will receive the scholarship for their junior year and may apply for renewal before their senior year. While sophomores are preferred, juniors may also apply for a one-time award for the senior year. Students attending two-year schools may apply as juniors for a one-time scholarship for the senior year upon transfer to a four-year institution. Applicants will be asked to submit an essay of 500 to 750 words describing their backgrounds, career objectives and scope of participation in leadership activities promoting freedom, American values and constitutional principles. Although the program is merit-based rather than need-based, The Phillips Foundation will take into consideration evidence of financial need.
If you have a question not answered by these materials, contact:
The Phillips Foundation
1 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 620
Washington, DC 20001
Attn.: Jeff Hollingsworth
Tel. 202-250-3887 ext. 628
E-mail: jhollingsworth@thephillipsfoundation.org
Caring Institute Award
November 19, 2012What qualities and accomplishments are you looking for in Caring Award candidates?
Successful candidates are role models with an extraordinary sense of public service. They can come from any walk of life but all share a deep and selfless concern for others. Like previous winners, they have a long-term commitment to social improvement, whether in the community, nation, or world. Ideally, they have founded an organization designed to serve others and also made an impact that will last their lifetime and beyond.
What are the guidelines to be eligible for a young adult Caring Award?
Young adults must be nominated before their graduation from high school or eighteenth birthday. They are not eligible for the award and the $2,000 scholarship that goes with it once they are enrolled at a junior college, college, or university.
How do I nominate someone for a Caring Award?
Simply complete a nomination form and submit it, along with a written summary explaining why you think your nominee should be recognized. Include the names and phone numbers of contacts who are familiar with your nominee’s endeavors. For young adults, state their birth date, school, and grade. We encourage you to support your nomination with two letters of recommendation, including one from an educator if the nominee is a young adult. If possible, also include newspaper clips, magazine articles, and other information that shows why they might deserve this prestigious honor.
When can I nominate someone for a Caring Award?
Nominations for adults and young adults are accepted year round. But we will consider nominees for the following year if their nominations arrive after the deadline announced each year on the Caring Institute home page. Please note that we must receive nominations for high school seniors before their date of graduation.
What is the National Caring Awards nomination process?
We give careful consideration to every nomination we receive. After reviewing the nomination materials, our staff and volunteers conduct interviews and perform further research. The best candidates are evaluated by our directors, who consider both diversity and depth of service as they further narrow the pool. Based on their input, we prepare two ballots – one for adults, another for young adults – then distribute them for a vote to ourtrustees and former Caring Award winners. The finalists must confirm that they can be present to accept the award at our official ceremony and attend the celebration events. If not, they’ll be scheduled to receive their award at the next available opportunity, and another finalist may be chosen to fill their slot. The remaining finalists need not give up since they can be considered again on future ballots
How do we honor Caring Award winners?
We fly winners to a special awards ceremony, where they attend a VIP reception and a gala celebration of their achievements. As a souvenir of this special day, they receive a certificate with a picture of Mother Teresa and the exquisite statue of a crystal angel who stands for the divine spirit of caring. Each winner also has this spirit within, as we show when we feature their profiles in our award-winning magazine CARING. And we continue to honor their contributions by inducting them into the Caring Hall of Fame, where visitors can see their photos and read their stories for many years to come