Joye Law Firm is offering you the opportunity to win a college scholarship to help further your education. Our firm will offer six $2,000 scholarships to graduating seniors in South Carolina who plan to attend a four-year institution of higher learning in the fall. Selection of the recipients is based on the creative entry, school activities, positions of leadership, special honors and awards, community involvement, academic performance, and professional pursuits.

2017 Scholarship Packet


Applicants are required to submit the following materials along with their online application form:

  1. A current high school transcript; and
  2. A creative entry that warns of the dangers of drunk driving and/or distracted driving.

Entries may include, but are not limited to, an essay, poem, painting, poster, video, audio recording, web page or other creative entry. The more creative, the better. Essays should be limited to 600 words. Video/audio recordings should be limited to two minutes. All creative entries must be uploaded along with the rest of your application.  Entries will not be returned to the applicant.

Start of Submission of Application: January 31st, 2017
Deadline of Submission of Application: April 1st, 2017


Our selection committee will review your packet with a particular focus on your creative entry along with your community involvement.  We intend to “publish” the six winning creative entries and disseminate them to leaders throughout South Carolina. Each scholarship recipient will be notified at your respective school’s year-end awards ceremony. If your school does not have such a ceremony, we will notify the scholarship winners no later than June 30, 2017. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact:

Nicole Cerullo
5861 Rivers Avenue, Suite 101
North Charleston, SC 29406
Phone: 843.725.4252
Email: ncerullo@joyelawfirm.com
Web: www.joyelawfirm.com

We look forward to reviewing your application, and wish you success in all your future endeavors.