The Scholarship

Thomas Jefferson’s University of Virginia is a place where producing leaders for a self-governing people has always been a primary goal. The undergraduate scholarship program has been attracting and cultivating undergraduate leaders since 1980, providing them sufficient financial support so that they are free to develop their talents and to use them for the good of the University community.

Award – ​Intended to cover the entire cost of attendance for four years at the University of Virginia plus coverage of the supplemental enrichment experiences

Total value of the scholarship exceeds:

  • $280,000 for non-Virginian students
  • $150,000 for Virginian students

The Jefferson Scholar Stipend in 2017-2018 will exceed:

  • $62,000 for non-Virginian students
  • $31,500 for Virginian students
  • Jefferson Scholars’ stipend includes tuition, fees, books, supplies, room, board, and personal expenses.

Enrichment – The scholarship also includes an extensive enrichment program which supports and nurtures these students throughout their four years at U.Va.  Opportunities include:

  • Team Challenge Program
  • Institute for Leadership and Citizenship
  • Foreign Travel Studies
  • Alumni Connections Program
  • Career Counseling
  • Public Service Fellows
  • Enrichment Dinners and Receptions