College planning is a knowledge intensive process, full of hurdles, confusion, and overwhelming, as thousands of high school seniors recently discovered. This workshop simplifies the process and provides a comprehensive, easy-to-follow set of strategies that can be specifically tailored to any audience by:

  • providing students and families with a full scope of strategies to follow, beginning as students enter middle school. Students and parents will be well prepared to put together high quality college application packages to substantially increase the odds of students getting accepted into their top choice colleges and universities.
  • providing teachers, coaches, and counselors with strategies for building the necessary relationships with students and families so that students and families are proactive in developing comprehensive college-bound plans.
  • providing representatives from PTA/PTSAs, churches, and community organizations with the necessary training to better support students and families in developing comprehensive college-bound plans.
  • providing school-based planning teams with strategies for integrating college planning into advisory and home room.
  • providing coaches, band directors, art, dance, and drama teachers with strategies that will open the college pathway to thousands of dollars in scholarships and need-based aid for their students.

Contact our offices to be placed onto our mailing list so you will be notified of a seminar near you or have a representative from PTA/PTSA, church, school, or community organization contact us to arrange for a seminar in your community.


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