The Consortium for Graduate Study in Management is committed to increasing the representation of African Americans, Hispanic Americans and Native Americans in American business schools and corporate management.

Our approach is simple:
We connect people, institutions and companies who have shown a commitment to our mission, and we position them for even greater success. Specifically, we foster a network of the country’s best students, leading MBA programs and corporate partners, including Fortune 500 companies.

The Consortium awards merit-based, full-tuition fellowships to top MBA candidates who have a proven record for promoting inclusion in school, in their jobs or in their personal lives.

Of the 10,000 MBA students who graduate every year from top-tier business schools, less than 6 percent are African American, Native American or Hispanic Americans. At The Consortium for Graduate Study in Management, we believe the best way to increase the representation of these groups in American business and education is to celebrate and uplift those like you who have dedicated their lives to inclusion.

That’s why we’re proud to offer you the chance to apply for membership. If you have worked hard to promote diversity in your community or your workplace we invite you to apply to The Consortium as a starting point to achieving your career goals.

Through The Consortium’s common application, apply to up to six of the country’s leading MBA programs. This is a time- and money-saving tool that can give you an edge as you seek to begin the next stage of your career.

Thanks to our supporters, each year we award hundreds of merit-based, full-tuition fellowships to some of the country’s top MBA programs. Typically, we are able to offer these fellowships to 70 percent of those admitted.

Benefits go beyond fellowships. As a Consortium Fellow, you’ll have the chance to personally network with representatives from our 80 corporate partners at our Annual Orientation Program & Career Forum.

Many of our students leave this conference with early internship opportunities – opportunities that often lead to jobs after graduation.