A 9/28/2012 USA Today Editorial notes that five states—Colorado, Mississippi, Oregon, Utah, and Wisconsin have state laws that do not allow public colleges to ban guns on campus. When considering where to attend college, parents and students may consider whether or not a college allows students to carry guns as part of their college research criteria. For many students, college is already a hugely stressful experience. According to theAmerican College Health Association’s 2011 report of college students (page 14):

  • 1.1 percent have attempted suicide
  • 6.6 percent have considered suicide
  • 30.3 percent have felt so depressed that it was difficult to function
  • 36.2 percent have felt overwhelming anger
  • 45.2 percent have felt that things were hopeless
  • 57.2 percent have felt lonely
  • 60.5 percent have felt very sad
  • 86.1 percent have felt overwhelmed

The 2011 Newsweek’s Ranking of Most Stressful Colleges includes many colleges and universities considered as the nation’s best, in addition to being the nation’s most competitive to gain admissions. According to Newsweek, the 25 most stressful colleges and universities are:

  1. Washington University in St. Louis
  2. Penn
  3. Columbia
  4. Harvard
  5. Northwestern
  6. Brown
  7. Wesleyan
  8. Georgetown
  9. Johns Hopkins
  10. Tufts
  11. Dartmouth
  12. University of Chicago
  13. Yale
  14. Duke
  15. NYU
  16. Middlebury
  17. Cornell
  18. Bowdoin
  19. Claremont McKenna
  20. Swarthmore
  21. CalTech
  22. Barnard
  23. Carnegie Mellon
  24. University of Southern California
  25. Boston College

Read the USA Today article…

Read the report by the National Conference of State Legislatures…