Activity: Cooperative Education Programs. Many students are unaware of the value of cooperative education programs in assisting students with paying for college and avoiding student loans as well as providing a competitive advantage during the recruitment process for jobs and graduate school after receiving their undergraduate degree. Prior to graduating with my bachelor of science degree in business and computer science, from Northeastern University, the 12 months of full-time workplace experiences (with Andersen Consulting) through Northeastern’s cooperative education program resulted in job offers from companies throughout the United States. I eventually began my first job after receiving my college degree with IBM at their Santa Teresa Laboratory in San Jose, California. Through this activity, you will:

  • Gain an understanding of cooperative education programs and how they differ from internships
  • Identify institutions with the largest cooperative education programs
  • Explore how cooperative education programs may increase your competitiveness in your job search after being awarded your degree

Video: After viewing the video provided with this activity and complete the cooperative education-related questions on the Narrative: “The Type of College Experience I Would Like to Pursue and Why”

Additional videos about the honors colleges experience that you may choose to review: