
Participating in our College Planning Cohort Program is a very different experience than what students are typically accustomed. Unlike a typical classroom in which students are told what to do and where they may be expected to memorize unrelated dates and facts, our online classroom experience is designed to maximize student engagement. Quizzes are not used to punish, but to assess learning. As in the real world, it is less important to memorize information than to know how to access information. The foundation of successful college planning is learning how to access information. Our goal is that students achieve a perfect score on each quiz as evidence of how deeply students are engaging in the units.

Unlike classes that students must take, cohort participation is entirely optional. Participants must want to participate and ‘Own the Process.’Review the video provided in this unit and take a quiz  to better understand the differences between the cohort experience, which is based on authentic learning, and the normal school experience, which is frequently based on industrial age values.


  • Develop an understanding of the differences in expectations and desired learning outcomes between the cohort and normal schooling.
  • Listen to the experiences of high school seniors following their cohort and boot camp participation.

Estimated time to complete: 1 hour. 

Guiding Question

How easily can a student move from a tightly controlled classroom experience to functioning autonomously in a cohort environment?