Lesson: Review and update your “My Profile” document.

Your ‘My Profile’ document provides important information regarding your grade, test scores, course taking, leadership, community service and awards. Editors, reviewers, proof readers, and advisors may need to refer to your Profile as part of their review or support of your scholarship applications.

Important Actions:

  • Ensure that your high school CEEB Code (page 1) is noted next to the name of your high school
  • Ensure that your current GPA, highest test scores, and class rank is listed on page 2
  • Ensure that your career aspirations and college major are noted on page 7
  • Ensure that your Pell Grant amount and EFC is noted on page 8

After reviewing/updating your Profile form, ensure that you share your document to cpc@collegeplanningcohort.com.

Note: If you do not have a ‘My Profile’ form, please complete the following lesson:

Lesson: Setup your ‘My Profile’ form.

Google Documents: We use Google Drive to manage and exchange documents. It is a secure platform and most students are familiar with how to create and share Google Documents. 

  • Click here to log into an existing Google account or to establish an account.
  • Click here to access the ‘My Profile’ form. This is an important form that you will maintain and share with people who are assisting you in the college planning process.
    • Make a copy of the document and click onto the box ‘Share it with the same people’ (this will ensure that we have access to the document that you have created).
    • Replace ‘Copy of’ in the name of the document with your first and last name (properly capitalized).
    • Select ‘SHARE’ to confirm that the document has been shared to cpc@collegeplanningcohort@.com. You may also add the email address of your parent, mentor, or cohort facilitator.